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Q&A: The immediate future of gambling and the metaverse

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How can you see the relationship between gambling and the metaverse develop?  

Gambling is an old industry and an even older habit. Gambling happens where people are. But as we moved into the digital age, particularly in Web 2 when humans started socially digitally, we integrated more social aspects of our life on the web. The ability to share things digitally is far greater than it is through any other means. As we move into Web 3, where digital ownership comes into play, this will only move things further regarding this.  

The biggest question is how today’s technology can help support and develop gambling’s involvement in the metaverse because the metaverse is still a new concept. So how a metaverse gaming experience is delivered is still a very technical question. But there is a second technical question, who is this experience being delivered to? This will dictate whether you offer more skill-based or luck-based. 

Current data reveals that most people looking to enter or who are already involved with the metaverse play computer games, whether that’s Fortnite, Minecraft, you name it. With this in mind, you would think the development of skill-based games in the gambling industry will need to evolve to match the needs of the customer. 

However, it is also important to consider the age demographic of these video game players. When they age, as the metaverse expands, will they still want a similar type of experience when it comes to gambling, or will they now prefer more luck-based games which we see are currently popular in older age groups? This is something that will have to be answered in time.

You can read more about Ciobanu’s take on gambling and the metaverse on our website soon.  

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